Thursday, October 30, 2008

DAY -21: The eye of the storm

Best way to spend the day. At LTI, my lab. No phones, no email.
Just photos to work on.
Quel bonheur de s'enfermer dans mon labo, sans telephone ni email.
Et avancer a tatons vers le tirage parfait. Du moins parfait pour aujourd'hui.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Day -24: The fun part

working on guides for my printer.
photoshop is great, you can be in the dark room in your own apt. but it doesn't help much with insomnia.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

DAY -31: Working Late

4 heures du matin: compte-rendu visuel de la soirée.

Little movie at 4 am.
To sum up the past 4 hours, spent editing.