

J'aurai du mettre ces photos en lignes hier. Mais j'etais dans l'avion, et il n'y a pas wifi ou je loge. Qui l'eut cru?
Je suis a la gallerie. On a commence juste l'installation d'une photo en version "papier peint".
J'ai hate de voir le resultat. C'est mon dernier motif d'angoisse. Apres ca, il n'y a plus qu'a choisir et mettre en place. Que ca.
Technically cheating a little.
This post was ready yesterday but , in a shocking turn of events, I couldn't get service on my laptop while I traveled and where I stayed last night.
I'm down in Atlanta now. We're just starting the installation of a wallpaper print. It's really the last reason for anguish.
If it turns out as I hoped, I only have to install and edit the other photos on the wall. Piece of cake. Hum...
Will be updating soon.
This post was ready yesterday but , in a shocking turn of events, I couldn't get service on my laptop while I traveled and where I stayed last night.
I'm down in Atlanta now. We're just starting the installation of a wallpaper print. It's really the last reason for anguish.
If it turns out as I hoped, I only have to install and edit the other photos on the wall. Piece of cake. Hum...
Will be updating soon.
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