I got to photograph Andre for Vogue Paris, as my 1st job back.
Hadn't shot anything else than my series in a couple of months and wasn't sure how this one was gonna go.
But it was amazing.
I ended up shooting Andre trotting down Tribeca streets, in high heels boots, a floor length cap, a latex bikini. and that's it. Meanwhile, it was barely 30 degrees.
His favorite word wass fierce and he totally owned it.
And to make the story even better, he was moving to Vienna one week later to work on the LifeBall. To learn, as his goal is to create his own charity.
The issue is finally out, get one. It looks good on paper.
Apres un hiatus ou je n'ai rien fait d'autre qu'obsseder sur mon expo, voila ma premiere commande.
J'etais dubitatif mais le shoot s'est avere assez incorayable et je suis super fier des photos.
On a commence au greenwich hotel mais on a fini dans les rues de tribeca. Andre montant et descedant hudson street comme le podium d'un defile. Habille de bottes, d'une cape et du plus petit slip en latex au monde. Et c'est tout.
Il faisait -5 dehors. J'avais les mains gelees mais il etait tellememnt content d'etre dans vogue qu'il n'avait pas l'air de sentir pas le froid.
Fierce etait son mantra du jour. Fierce indeed.
i absolutely love these images. in every way.
I just went to check your blog. Your taste is so right on, I feel even more complimented by your comment.
These are stunning, Thomas! I love them!
thanks td.
if you are ever in la, and need someone new to shoot, drop me a line.
all the best,
Moi je kiffe le mini slip en latex
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