La neige etait tellement epaisse, on y voyait pas a 3 metres.
Du milieu du brooklyn bridge, on ne voyait pas les rives.
Juste l'impression de flotter dans un grand nuage.
Un heure plus tard, on a fini par trouver le studio d'artiste ou le shoot devaitt avoir lieu. Bien etendu, la lumiere etait loin d'etre top.
Mais on a pris des photos sympas sur le toit. Tallulah a defile dans la neige en talons hauts et veste en cuir.
Mais quand elle a perdu sa bague qui valait pas mal de pepetes, on a du faire une pause.
Michaela l'a miraculeusement retrouve, enfouie dans la neige.
Mais de toutes facons, j'avais les doigts completement geles donc on est redescendu au chaud.
Au final, une journee memorable et des photos sympathiques.
The shoot almost didn't happen as we got caught on the most intense blizzard on our way to the location.
In the middle of the Brooklyn bridge, you couldn't see either riversides, we were just driving in a cloud of thick white.
Of course, once we finally got there, the light was horrendous. And a bunch of the shots ended up blurry.
But we did get some fun on the roof, tallulah bravely walking around in high heels and just a jacket.
We had to stop when she lost on of those hefty rings while throwing a snow ball at me.
Lovely Michaela miraculously found it buried in the snow, but that was the end of that.
My fingers were so frozen at this point, I couldn't press the shutter.
Quite a day, sweet pictures.

I'm not a fetish but I really love the third one!
Great job T.
I have to agree.
those shoes were insane.
My goodness, she's beautiful! She looks super-cute in that blue shirt.
Love the paintings too. Do you know who the artist is?
We shot at the painter's studio.
His name is Jay Battle.
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