Everyone in new york probably took those same pictures yesterday. Even the cooks had left their kitchen and were holding their phones up.
After a pretty intense thunderstorm, the sky got covered in those weird clouds, shaped like giants rain drops. And the light was insane.
The entire city became monochromatic, like a giant installation by olafur eliasson. Streets, buildings, people, everything was golden orange.
Sadly, by the time I got home to my camera, the night had come.
Apres une heure d'orage plein d'eclairs et de nuages noirs, le coucher de soleil etait extraordinaire hier soir.
Sous des nuages en forme de gouttes geantes, l'une des lumieres les plus intense que j'ai jamais vu.
La ville toute entiere etait monochromatique, comme une installation d'olafur eliasson. Les trottoirs, les buildings, les passants, tout etait recouvert d'une nappe orange dore.
Tout le monde avait la tete en l'air, meme les cuistots avait quitte leur poste pour prendre des photos.
Malheureusement, le temps de rentrer recuperer mon appareil, la nuit etait tombee.
Thank you for sharing these. Love the one of everyone standing outside the restaurant. And those are the weirdest clouds! They are like the type of special effects in a movie right before aliens start attacking.
By any chance did you have the chance to see Olafur Eliasson's The Weather Project? The orange glow reminded me of his giant sun.
Great pictures, NY must be a magycal city... is really special when the sky turns that orange is like a quite breeze blows in te air...
I remember now, the "Near Wild Heaven" video got these orange sky and buildings you talk of... I like to hear that song when the sky turns orange in spring time.
Nice mammatus cloud shots you've got there.
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