Thursday, July 16, 2009

Art is good: Terence Koh at Deitch Projects

Il y a deux ans, je suis alle voir The End of My life as a Rabbit in Love,une performance de Terence a Deitch. Je ne connaissais pour ainsi dire personne dans le monde de l'art. Et regrette maintenant ma timidite et d'avoir pris peu de photos, cache dans le brouillard de poussiere blanche.

A couple of years ago, I went to see The End of My life as a Rabbit in Love, a performance by Terence at Deitch. I didn't know anyone in the art world. I know regret my crippling shyness, and to not have taken enough pictures, hiding in the white dust that filled the air.


Anonymous said...

C'est beau!

Anonymous said...

C'etait Juliette...

Annick said...

it is really amazing how beautiful your pictures are again, love this so much

trd said...

Juliette, qu'est ce que c'etait sympa de te voir.

Lorraine said...

But the photos you did take are very beautiful. I love these.

cleophee69 said...

Tout simplement sublime...
Un sentiment de zen attitude se dégage de ces photos...
Je les verrai bien dans mon salon !!!