Thursday, September 09, 2010

Been working working

J'ai passé une bonne partie de l'été a m'excercer à la photo numérique.
Et depuis mon retour a New York, je fais l'oposé et mes journées s'écoulent en chambre noire.
Plus de détails a venir très rapidement.

Experimenting with digital photography this summer.
And now going the opposite way and spending my days in the darkroom.
More details to follow tonight.


Anonymous said...

oh.... dear thomas, finally!

welcome back!!!


Cristina from Milano

Anonymous said...

oh.... dear thomas, finally!

welcome back!!!


Cristina from Milano

Mermaid said...

Welcome back Thomas! How wonderful to have your photos to look forward to again. I hope you had a wonderful summer. But it sounds like you left vacation and jumped immediately into work. Looking forward to whatever you have in store to share with us.

cleophee69 said...

Ravie de voir des posts de toi...J'espère que ton été a quand même été ensoleillé...