Saturday, May 30, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Chansonnette de la semaine (bis): Heads Will Roll par les Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Comme je n'ai pas trouve de clip, 2 chansons pour le prix d'une.
Pour marcher a travers la ville. Ou trouver l'energie de continuer a travailler au milieu de la nuit.
Since I couldn't find proper videos, 2 songs instead of one.
Good ones to hop through the city. Or find the energy to keep working at 3am, after a little jump around break.
Polaroid du Jour: Lundi Matin
Le New York Times du dimanche.
Laisse a moitie lu, apres deux cafes d'affilee.
Et retrouve lundi matin, apres la pluie.
The Sunday New York Times, left half read after one too many coffee.
And found the next day, after the rain.
photo du jour,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Polaroids du Jour: Big Bidon
Quand mon amie christy m'a demande de la prendre en photo pour avoir des souvenirs de sa grossesse, j'ai bien evidemment dis oui. J'ai tout de suite senti la pression de pas devoir merde (c'est pas tous les jours qu'elle sera enceinte), mais surtout l'aprehension de la culculterie potentielle du sujet.
Mais au final ce fut une super matinee. On a bien rigole et je pense avoir reussi des images que j'utiliserai pour des projets futurs. et pas seulement comme un cadeau de baby shower.
Comme quoi, il est toujours bon de:
1) dire oui a ses amis
2) sortir de ses sentiers battus.
When my friend Christy asked me to capture her pregnancy before she entered the crazy big phase, I had to say yes. I instantly felt the pressure to not fuck up (she won't be pregnant every day) but most of all was worried about the cutesy aspect of the subject.
But in the end, it ended up being the best time. And I got pictures I will use not only as a baby shower gift, but probably in a project to come.
Which tells me that saying yes to friends, and stepping out of your comfort zone, are never bad things.
Mais au final ce fut une super matinee. On a bien rigole et je pense avoir reussi des images que j'utiliserai pour des projets futurs. et pas seulement comme un cadeau de baby shower.
Comme quoi, il est toujours bon de:
1) dire oui a ses amis
2) sortir de ses sentiers battus.
When my friend Christy asked me to capture her pregnancy before she entered the crazy big phase, I had to say yes. I instantly felt the pressure to not fuck up (she won't be pregnant every day) but most of all was worried about the cutesy aspect of the subject.
But in the end, it ended up being the best time. And I got pictures I will use not only as a baby shower gift, but probably in a project to come.
Which tells me that saying yes to friends, and stepping out of your comfort zone, are never bad things.
christy bush,
photo du jour,
Friday, May 22, 2009
Photo du Jour: Retour en hiver
Je suis a un mariage et n'ai pas eu le temps de scanner les polas d'hier.
Donc retour en arriere: new york, il y a un mois et demi.
Dieu qu'il faisait froid et que ca parait loin.
On my way to a wedding, so I didn't have time to scan yesterday's polaroids.
So we're back in ny, a month and a half ago.
Damn it was cold. And god how far away it seems.
photo du jour
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Polaroid du Jour: Le soleil est de retour
Quelle difference avec hier.
Du coup j'ai pu aller photographier mon amie christy (pas enceinte jusqu'au yeux mais presque).
What a change from yesterday.
I was able to go photograph my very pregnant friend christy.
Du coup j'ai pu aller photographier mon amie christy (pas enceinte jusqu'au yeux mais presque).
What a change from yesterday.
I was able to go photograph my very pregnant friend christy.
More on that tomorrow.
photo du jour,
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Photo du Jour: Rainy Sunday, A walk barefeet on the wet grass
Au final, je suis d'accord avec ceux d'entre vous qui m'avez donne votre avis.
Autant montrer le polaroid en entier. La ceinture de noir souligne la saturation des couleurs. J'adore la richesse de ce noir pur, quelle tristesse de ne pas reussir a la reproduire en grand format.
I agree with your advice. I'd rather see the polaroid as a whole. And the deepness of the black rim balances out the saturation of the colors. I love that slickness of that pure black. I wish I could find an equivalent in prints.
photo du jour,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Photo du Jour: Ce fut un dimanche pluvieux
La debat du jour, vaut il mieux recadrer l'image ou le presenter le polaroid tel quel?
Question of the day, is it better to crop in the image or show the polaroid as a whole?
photo du jour,
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Chansonnette de la semaine: Dayvan Cowboy par Boards of Canada
En 1960 Joseph Kittinger sauta en parachute depuis une altitude de 31 300 metres. La chute dura 4mns36.
The footage is real. In 1960, Joseph Kittinger jumped from an altitude of 102,800 feet. The fall lasted 4mns36.
The footage is real. In 1960, Joseph Kittinger jumped from an altitude of 102,800 feet. The fall lasted 4mns36.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Photo du Jour: Shadows of Yesterday
La lumiere etait si faible, l'image parait presque plate. Comme la photo d'un tableau.
The light was so low, I love how unidimensional the photo appears. As if of a painting.
photo du jour
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Photos du Jour: Hyde Park Bloom
Je ne suis d'habitude pas des plus inspire par ce genre de photos.
Mais le moment etait assez magique.
Je traversais hyde park a la fin du jour, sous une bruine trop froide a mon gout. Et soudain je me suis retrouve sous cette explosion de fleurs blanches. Les premieres du printemps qui debutait enfin.
I usually feel uninspired when it comes to photographing nature.
But that was a beautiful moment.
I was walking through Hyde Park, under a late afternoon drizzle. Too chilly for my taste. And suddenly found myself under this explosion of white blooms, the first of the spring. It had finally come.
nature nature,
photo du jour
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Photo du Jour: Hyde Park Corner
Les premiers signes du printemps.
Dans un coin pluvieux de Hyde Park.
The first signs of Spring.
And the try outs, trying to understand blogspot and photoshop compatibility.
photo du jour
Monday, May 11, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Chansonnette de la semaine: Vid Spilum Endalaust par Sigur Ros (2X)
A chaque fois que j'entends cette chanson, j'ai envie de danser, les bras en l'air, en sautillant partout, avec un sourire beat.
A quand une bonne soiree d'ete en plein air?
Every time I hear this song, I jump around with my arms in the air and a grin on my face.
I am so ready for an outdoor summer party.
Si vous aimez le concept de la video, le talentueux Vincent Moon a plein d'autres take away shows sur vimeo.
For more of the take away shows by the talented Vincent Moon, go to La Blogotheque channel on vimeo.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Photo du Jour: East London
La crise est suppose y etre particulierement severe, mais Londres m'a paru presque plus energique que d'habitude. Et tout le monde etait super sympa.
Et comme d'habitude, leurs magazines dechirent.
J'ai vraiment hate d'y retrouner.
Le seul probleme serait les distances.
Ce soir la, mon amie Pippa m'a emmene a Shoredicth. Depuis Fulham ou je residais, j'en ai eu pour une heure et demie de metro. Sans un bon bouquin ou un ipod video, c'est un peu rude.
Mais je serai mieux prepare la prochaine fois.
My friend Pippa, taking me out while I was in London.
I have to say, I had the best time there.
England is supposed to be getting the worst of the recession, but it felt as busting with energy as ever. And everyone was both exciting and super friendly.
And their magazines are killing, as always.
I'm eager to be back and work there.
The only draw back would be the distances.
In this photo we're in Shoreditch. From Fulham where i was staying: an hour and a half worth of metro. It can be a little rough without a good book or an ipod video.
But I'll be more prepared next time.
photo du jour,
pippa vosper,
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
MovieTime: Parker Posey est vraiment une femme formidable
J'ai enfin regarde Broken English hier, et j'ai vraiment aime.
C'est quand meme rare de voir un comedie romantique qui reussisse a etre contemporaine et pas culcul.
La trame est assez simple: fille un peu paumee, rencontre un bel etranger. Le laisse partir. Et part finalement a sa recherche.
Mais Parker est une actrice incroyable.
En tout cas moi, j'adore. Plus son personnage est pathetiquem plus elle me fait rire.Mais sans jamais en rajouter.
Au final, je suis peut etre partial du au fait que le film se passe dans mes deux villes (new york et paris), mais je le recommende vivement.
Just watched Broken English last night.
And loved it.
The story line goes along a pretty classic thread.
Woman in her thirties feels lost. Meet a handsome foreigner in visit. Lets him go. And then what will she do about it?
But Zoe Cassavetes' dialogues are really funny and ring true.
And yet again, Parker Posey is really an amazing actress.
She's not afraid of the pathetic aspects of her character.
The sadder she is, the more she makes me laugh.
I might be partial since the movie takes place in my two homes, new york and paris, but it's rare to see a romantic comedy that manages to feel contemporary and not saccharine coated.
Ps: le film est bien mieux que sa bande annonce
The trailer doesn't do justice to the movie
C'est quand meme rare de voir un comedie romantique qui reussisse a etre contemporaine et pas culcul.
La trame est assez simple: fille un peu paumee, rencontre un bel etranger. Le laisse partir. Et part finalement a sa recherche.
Mais Parker est une actrice incroyable.
En tout cas moi, j'adore. Plus son personnage est pathetiquem plus elle me fait rire.Mais sans jamais en rajouter.
Au final, je suis peut etre partial du au fait que le film se passe dans mes deux villes (new york et paris), mais je le recommende vivement.
Just watched Broken English last night.
And loved it.
The story line goes along a pretty classic thread.
Woman in her thirties feels lost. Meet a handsome foreigner in visit. Lets him go. And then what will she do about it?
But Zoe Cassavetes' dialogues are really funny and ring true.
And yet again, Parker Posey is really an amazing actress.
She's not afraid of the pathetic aspects of her character.
The sadder she is, the more she makes me laugh.
I might be partial since the movie takes place in my two homes, new york and paris, but it's rare to see a romantic comedy that manages to feel contemporary and not saccharine coated.
Ps: le film est bien mieux que sa bande annonce
The trailer doesn't do justice to the movie
movie time,
parker posey,
zoe cassavetes
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Photo du Jour: But where to?
Mon jumeau adoré dans son nouvel apartement parisien.
My awesome twin in his new parisian apartment. Lots of hallways.
photo du jour
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Chansonnette de la semaine: Pass this on par The Knife
Un duo frere et soeur de Suede.
Ah, la Suede et son sens de l'humour.
Ca date de 2003, mais c'est toujours aussi bon.
Et j'adore le premier mec qui se met a danser. D'autant plus que c'est le compositeur du morceau.
A brother/sister duo from Sweden.
Ah, Sweden and their sense of humor.
The song already dates back to 2003 but is still as good as ever for me.
And I love that the guy who dances to seduce the transvestite is Olof, the composer of the track.
Ah, la Suede et son sens de l'humour.
Ca date de 2003, mais c'est toujours aussi bon.
Et j'adore le premier mec qui se met a danser. D'autant plus que c'est le compositeur du morceau.
A brother/sister duo from Sweden.
Ah, Sweden and their sense of humor.
The song already dates back to 2003 but is still as good as ever for me.
And I love that the guy who dances to seduce the transvestite is Olof, the composer of the track.
chansonnette de la semaine,
pass this on,
the knife
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Photo du Jour: Les toits d'Arles, l'ete dernier
Woke up to the first warm rain of spring.
But the sun just came back out and suddenly the air feels thick with steam.
Ce matin, la premiere pluie chaude de printemps est tombee.
En trombes, sur le toit en fer.
Mais le soleil vient de se devoiler et soudain l'air s'est gorge de vapeur.
photo du jour
Friday, May 01, 2009
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