La crise est suppose y etre particulierement severe, mais Londres m'a paru presque plus energique que d'habitude. Et tout le monde etait super sympa.
Et comme d'habitude, leurs magazines dechirent.
J'ai vraiment hate d'y retrouner.
Le seul probleme serait les distances.
Ce soir la, mon amie Pippa m'a emmene a Shoredicth. Depuis Fulham ou je residais, j'en ai eu pour une heure et demie de metro. Sans un bon bouquin ou un ipod video, c'est un peu rude.
Mais je serai mieux prepare la prochaine fois.
My friend Pippa, taking me out while I was in London.
I have to say, I had the best time there.
England is supposed to be getting the worst of the recession, but it felt as busting with energy as ever. And everyone was both exciting and super friendly.
And their magazines are killing, as always.
I'm eager to be back and work there.
The only draw back would be the distances.
In this photo we're in Shoreditch. From Fulham where i was staying: an hour and a half worth of metro. It can be a little rough without a good book or an ipod video.
But I'll be more prepared next time.
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