Je ne suis d'habitude pas des plus inspire par ce genre de photos.
Mais le moment etait assez magique.
Je traversais hyde park a la fin du jour, sous une bruine trop froide a mon gout. Et soudain je me suis retrouve sous cette explosion de fleurs blanches. Les premieres du printemps qui debutait enfin.
I usually feel uninspired when it comes to photographing nature.
But that was a beautiful moment.
I was walking through Hyde Park, under a late afternoon drizzle. Too chilly for my taste. And suddenly found myself under this explosion of white blooms, the first of the spring. It had finally come.
the first one is simply spectacular, Thomas!
Yeah, trees in bloom are highly inspiring...Marvellous pictures!
C´mon, nature can´t be uninspiring:-)
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