Saturday, May 02, 2009

Photo du Jour: Les toits d'Arles, l'ete dernier

Woke up to the first warm rain of spring.
But the sun just came back out and suddenly the air feels thick with steam.

Ce matin, la premiere pluie chaude de printemps est tombee.
En trombes, sur le toit en fer.
Mais le soleil vient de se devoiler et soudain l'air s'est gorge de vapeur.


mms said...

This week end le Cote d'Azur was superb! Next time I'll go to Grasse. It's springtime!

das-unentdeckte-land said...

This looks relaxing...
Beautiful vista!!!

Annick said...

What a view! It is time to take a break and planning a holiday :)