Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ca y est, je suis de retour aux etats unis d'amerique

Je me suis juste arrete dans le sud pour passer un week end pepere avant de retourner au boulot.
Mais, comme d'habitude, c'est quand on s'arrete pour soufler qu'on tombe malade.
J'ai un truc aux reins, ce qui donne l'impression d'avoir le pire gueule de bois au monde. Et qui dure plusieurs jours. Le bonheur.
Pour finir sur une note plus joyeuse, la premiere chenille du printemps.

I just stopped to spend the week end in the South. To chill out for 3 days.
But it's always when you stop that things go wrong.
looks like I have a kidney infection, which feels like the worst hangover ever.
And it lasted 2 days. Good times all around.
But on the brighter side, here's the first caterpilar of the spring.
Filmed shortly after I landed.


oona said...

take care Thomas.


mms said...

Ouch! Sorry about that...


trd said...

thank you guys, starting to feel better already.

Caroline said...

Revelacion : je savais pas que Caterpillar c'etait chenille !
Tu etais ou dans le Sud ? Messou ?
Remets toi bien.

Anonymous said...

..ah, I also had a kidney infection 17-20th mystic..
(I just had to tell...following your blog from far;) )
Hope you're doing better now.